Friday, March 12, 2010


When I first started this blog I said I was going to use it as a stress reliever. Today is the most perfect day for that. Today I was told by someone that they hated me, that I thought I was better than everyone else, they were so sick of me, they had hated me for years and above all again I think I am better than everyone else. This was repeated several times. There was a lot of profanity and unnecessary words I do not care to use in this blog.

Well first I would like to say I wish I had been let in on this info years ago and I could have saved myself a lot of headaches and unwanted stress.

Second I would like to say that I do not and have never thought that I am better than anyone else. If anyone has ever gotten this impression of me I would like to apologize. I feel that we are all human and we are equal. Some have it worse than others. No one life is more important to me than another. I try to do the best I can and help everyone I can.

Third I would like to say that I know this person will come back later and say they didn't mean any of it, they were mad and don't know what they are saying when they are mad. Well, you know what, I will NEVER forget it. I am sure all of these things were honest and the truth and I can deal with that. You should never say things if you will want to take them back later. Think before you speak. Yes, it did hurt my feelings and I did cry. It also opened my eyes. I have tried to help this person all I can. I can stop trying now and not feel guilty about it. I owe this person nothing, I did my best and that is the end of that and I still do not feel I am better than anyone. This person doesn't really know me at all if that is what they think.

Fourth, there are consequences for the actions you take. No I am not threatening anyone, only maybe to never talk to them again. I do not need this nonsense in my life or the life of my girls. That is my job, to protect them and make sure they have healthy and happy lives.

Just in case it crossed your mind, no, this person is not my husband, he would never talk to me that way. He respects and loves me. I do not feel it is important to blast this person by name, I know who they are and feel comfortable in my decision to move on knowing I did what I could to help this person. Some people just can not be helped and you can not help them if they are not willing to help themselves.

Thank you to all my friends for listening.

1 comment:

  1. The person you are talking about has never shown the proper respect to other people. You have tried your hardest, like many other people have. You are a wonderful person and you have shown your love. You just have to keep your head up and keep going. Stick to your guns. I love you!
