Monday, March 15, 2010


My sister Shannon has went coupon crazy, or so I thought! She may actually be onto something. I use coupons sometimes but there are actually people out there that are expert couponers. Shannon is on her way to "expert couponer status". She kind of got me restarted (if that's a word) on coupons. Like I said I use them sometimes, but in the past 2 months I have started using them more. Getting the paper every Sunday is a start. I get 2 most of the time. You can also go to and print out coupons that Food Lion, Wal-Mart and all the other store accept. I have been going through them each time I go to the store to see if there are any coupons for the items I need. I don't use them just because I have them or they will not save me anything. This morning Rachel and I made a trip to WalMart after we took Sydney to school. We needed to get some groceries, Rachel's training pants and I picked up some Easter stuff. I went through my coupons and at the checkout I saved $30 off of my bill of $200.00 with my coupons. During the month of February I saved over $100.00 by doing this. If your money is tight or not it's worth it to try it. You can spend the money you saved on something else. Why pay full price if you don't have to? If you have kids it really pays to use them on diapers, wipes, toys, you can even find Gerber coupons for baby clothing items.

This is a website where you can buy coupons for about .05 cents each,, if it's a good coupon it's worth it. Shannon and I use ALL H.E. detergent, it was on sale for $3.99 at Wal-Mart down from $5.99 , after the coupon we paid $2.00 a bottle. We both stocked up with this deal. There are also a lot of coupons also that say "any size" and you can get a ton of free items this way or if you wait for something to go on sale. For instance, Shannon had Gillette Mach3 razor coupons for $4 each and Target had theirs on sale for $4.99 she got the razors with refills for .99 cents each. She also got $2.00 snuggle dryer sheets coupons from this website. The small box is $1.97 at Wal-Mart and she ended up getting 18 boxes of Snuggle dryer sheets for free.

There is a great website hip2save, this lady posts deals every day, freebies, coupon deals and deals that she finds at online stores as well. I love her site. She also has a tutorial for people that are new to coupons.

It really doesn't take much time to do this. Shannon has a binder to keep hers organized and I just keep mine in a box on the kitchen counter. Just think, if I save this every month and put it to the side I could pay for the kids Christmas or even use it on vacation or whatever I want. You should try it, you would be amazed at how much money you can save.

Shannon has actually started getting so much stuff that Mama, Jessica and I have started shopping in her pantry!

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